Get ready for the German market with a fun workshop by Mango Kollektiv

July, 2020 by Mango Kollektiv

Mango Kollektiv decided to offer a workshop to get your team ready to conquer the German market. The workshop helps managers and employees to understand German customers more easily and communicate with them the German way.

Entering a new market also means entering a new culture. Misunderstandings are to be expected but they’ll cost you time and money. With this workshop, we give your team the opportunity to explore your unconscious biases and truly get ready for the German market!

Why you need this workshop to get ready for the German market

Get ready for the German market with a Mango Kollektiv workshop

Germany is still the Netherlands’ most important trading partner. It is, therefore, not surprising that many companies consider becoming active in the German market at some point. However, they often forget that a few kilometers away, you’re likely to find an entirely different world. However close Germany may appear to many Dutch entrepreneurs – when it comes to culture and especially corporate culture, Germany is as far away as China.

The assumption that the Netherlands and Germany are similar leads to the misunderstanding that doing business must also be the same – something that the founders of Mango Kollektiv experienced too. With this workshop, we try to raise entrepreneurs’ awareness of the culture gap between Germany and the Netherlands. More awareness means making fewer mistakes in communication, which will again save you time and money.

Who should do this workshop

Do you want to expand your business into the German market? That is a fantastic idea! Germany is still one of the most important economies in Europe and in the world. If you are an entrepreneur who is dealing with German clients or will be doing so in the near future, this workshop is a good kick-off to prepare you for the upcoming challenges.

What to expect of the workshop

Here’s what can you expect of the workshop that we give on location* or online? During our one-hour workshop you will:

  • Uncover some of your unconscious biases
  • Get to know cultural differences between the Netherlands and Germany
  • Learn best practices for your communication with German clients (B2B and B2C)
  • Have fun and experience some Dutch-German awkwardness as you get to know your mental biases. And no judgment here – we all have our blind spots!


*Corona-proof and provided by the company/person who is booking the workshop


How to get ready for the German market. Mango Kollektiv workshop in collaboration the city of The Hague.

You want to book the workshop & get ready for the German market?

Congratulations: great decision and definitely a step in the right direction! In our book, this means that you’re setting yourself up for success with your future German audience. Now, all you have to do is send us an email at or give us a call at +31 6 182 860 26.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Mango Kollektiv | Headshot of co-founder and author Claudia

Claudia Müller & Danilo Tesi

Claudia and Danilo are the co-founders of Mango Kollektiv. If you want to know more about them, click here.
If you want to find out how Mango Kollektiv’s culture-specific approach to consulting businesses can help you, click here.

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